March 31st

Brooklyn Tweed Quill Shawl

Brooklyn Tweed Quill Shawl

I am ordering some more Brooklyn Tweed patterns today including the Quill Shawl shown above.  I am also considering ordering some of their yarns – but I need to find out about import duty etc before I do so.

The Spring weather has gone and there is a cold, north wind today. I have been to the hairdresser this morning and did some grocery shopping for the goulash I am going to make tomorrow. Tonight we are going out for a few drinks and then collecting an Indian takeaway on the way home.

Jackson went out at 3.57 a.m. this morning – he woke me up by banging on the bedroom door.  He has just come back and gone straight to bed. Sometimes I wish I were Jackson – no parcels to pack, balls of yarn to find, missing parcels to worry about……..!

No other news today, I am going to have a rest now and read the newspaper.  No petrol in our local garage at the moment but I still have half a tank and so am not unduly worried. People are just panic-buying, there is no real confirmation that there is even going to be a strike.

Back tomorrow!

March 30th

Right!   Here is the next question for the contest:  Can you name six towns or cities in the USA that have their names in common with towns or cities in the UK?  Answers to with cities as the subject. Send by midnight Saturday.

I will write more later – we are  off to collect the lawn mower right now, I expect we shall get lost again.  Back later

March 29th

Today’s Deal of the Day is this beautiful Pollika Daisy Shawl Pin


I have marked the contest  – everyone was correct and you supplied masses of sound the same but spelt differently words. Here are some of them:

Theatre  theater

Centre center

Metre meter

Litre liter

Labour labor

Honour honor

Centimetre Centimeter

Colour color

Cheque check

I am working on the next questions and will post it early tomorrow. I am a bit behind today as we overslept and I have not caught up and it is almost dinner time already!

So, back early tomorrow with new questions!