October 30th

No disasters today so far!  John is shooting tomorrow but Slip may have to stay here as she is very much in season and John thinks the male dogs will be after her!!  I am going to have my hair cut at 8.30am and do some shopping. We are going to dinner tomorrow night at Steve and Lyn’s house.

I have started to unpack the Bergere de France yarn and will put some in my shop tomorrow. I should have a bit more time with John being out – no endless cups of coffee to make.  I think the new Kim Hargreaves book should come soon and that wretched Lima in Peru.

I am going to have a bath now and a rest.  Back tomorrow!

October 29th


My Bergere de France boxes arrived at 5.0pm today including the tunic pictured above. I have not sorted it all out yet but will do so tomorrow and start putting it all in my store.

I finally had success with Western Union payment today  – thank goodness.

We are going out now for a drink and so I must love and leave you! Back tomorrow!


October 28th


Pull Tunique1

Le Pull Tunique by Bergere de France

I shall be selling ready made Pull Tuniques as shown in the photo above. It is a long line sweater with a deep V neck and it is heavily cabled. I have it coming in four sizes and prices are reasonable!

Still no success getting my Western Union payment. I went to the Travel Agent and filled in a long form only to be told that my name on the form filled in by the sender was not the same as mine!  It is my christian name that is wrong and so I have had to email my customer and ask her to check how Western Union have entered my name on the form!!

I then went to buy a new chair for my office as I need a higher one due to the big screen on my iMac.  I filled in the catalogue number of the one I wanted and the assistant went to get it.  It was self assembly and in a box so I did not examine it!  When John took it out of the box, it turned out to be bright pink and decorated with daisies!  I wanted a plain black one. On checking further, my receipt was for item #0971 and the box said #0917.  So it will have to go back!

Nothing new regarding yarn – I will have a hunt in my range of yarn mountains and see what I can put on special offer. Back tomorrow!


October 27th

Today has not been good!  First of all, when I opened the fridge this morning I found a lot of water in the bottom. I took everything out and discovered that the drainage hole was blocked and so had to poke about until the water ran away.

Next I went shopping and to the travel agent as I had received a payment via Western Union and had to collect it. I was there at 9.15 am only to find a notice on the door saying “Open at 9.30 today”.  So I waited and eventually the door was opened at 9.40 am.  A very rude assistant curtly told me that I would have to wait 10 minutes as she had not cashed up.  When she was ready, she then told me that I would have to come back tomorrow as she had forgotten her password and could not access the Western Union computer and it took 24 hours for her password to be reset! I was not best pleased.

The sales manager from Designer Yarns is coming to see me next Tuesday and will show me all the new Noro, Debbie Bliss, Louisa Harding, Mirasol and Araucania for next Spring.  He always gives me lots of sample balls and mock ups of the books.

John went fishing and caught one fish which is now in the fridge waiting for the oven tomorrow. Apart from that, nothing new on the horizon. I am going to have a bath now and a glass of wine – no, a Margarita, and dream of tropical skies!  Back tomorrow.

October 26th

Sorry I missed a day or two. It has taken me age to get the new iMac to work as I want it to.  I had lots of my passwords stored on my Windows PC and so have had to have new ones emailed to me. It is all working fine now and I am getting used to the different way of doing things.

We went out for a meal on Saturday night and I had Water Buffalo!  It was rather strong – I don’t think I would have it again. But I like to try different things – I have had Ostrich, Kangaroo, Emu, Peacock and Alligator!  Yesterday I cooked rack of lamb with sage – John does not like exotic things.

Slip is in season and so she most probably won’t be able to go on the first shoot next Saturday. She is going to start writing her blog again then.

No news on the yarn front – but I shall know about the new Rowan Spring range on November 14th – only seems a moment ago that I was ordering the Fall range!

I am going to knit now after I have made John a packed lunch to take fishing tomorrow!  Back then!