February 23rd

We went to The Orange Tree for lunch yesterday.  We were ready to drive there and I put Otis in his pen and secured all the clamps and hooks that hold it shut so that he cannot push the lid up and get trapped.  What did he do? Jumped into his litter tray and did a dump!  There was no way I could leave it until we got back as the smell is dreadful. So I had to don rubber gloves, unlock the pen…Otis immediately jumped out…empty the litter tray, wash it out , dry it and re-fill it and then find and catch Otis and put him back!  I was not best pleased!

Eventually we got there. It was very nice. Tastefully decorated in cream and duck egg. We had a wheel of Camembert between us to start with – this came with home made crust bread, red cabbage cole slaw and caramelised onion chutney.  Then John had roast beef with Yorkshire pudding, roast potatoes and carrots. I had guinea fowl cooked three ways which came with dauphinoise potatoes and cabbage. It was beautifully presented. We had two glasses of wine each and the bill was £58 – about US$90.  We will definitely go again.

I am now putting Otis back in his pen when he bites or claws me – he has not been quite so bad today.He plays for hours with a ball of foil and also likes hunting for things in shoes. I put my keys is a shoe and he spent ages trying to hook them out.

Must go and cook a pheasant for Slip’s dinner now!

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